Friday, August 7, 2009

The business of the Baconator

So Wendy's reported it's second quarter earnings or the Wendy's/Arby's Group to be more precise, and they made a little announcement about a future "premium" bacon cheeseburger. This brings up several questions; Does this mean that the "Baconator" is not a premium sandwich? (who knew?), will it be a burger with "premium" bacon rather than that awful stuff they have now? Why in the hell is Bacon Chris even aware of this?

Well its due out in October and it is supposed to compete with McDonald's over priced premium Anus Burgers. More expensive burgers... that's exactly what we need, but to be honest, if its good, I'll buy it, you will hear about it here. The CEO and President had this to say about the new burger, "juicier beef, improved bun (and) bacon cooked from scratch." So the current beef is not juicy? Greasy yes, but apparently not juicy enough. And well can anyone actually count the ways to improve a bun or as they are known at Wendy's "grease sponges"? AND bacon cooked from scratch..... do I want to know what its cooked from now or are they admitting that its just not cooked now?

And for those of you that care.... OK I know that's none of you Wendy's did rake in $615.2 million in revenues for the quarter. Man that is a lot of Baconators and Jr Bacon Chee's!

Lets hope they come up with a better name than "The Baconator Deluxe".